Well lets see
here...what has happened since I posted last??? Lots of things, but the
most exciting is having our first overnight visitor to the trailer
park!! One of my besties from the valley and former co-work Rebekah came
to stay for an overnight. We gave her the full tour of the mine (as
much as we could without driving into the actual mine), showed her the
school/town I work at in Duncan, went to a yummy pizza place (The Humble
Pie...and no, not the same as the chain in Scottsdale), made a blanket
for Drew, and went to the Cat Walk in New Mexico (it was our first time
too). Here are a few pictures to show our weekend...
Okay so I can't find a way to continue writing after the pictures so I will continue with updates here. I have gotten some of the Horizon kiddos I'm going to start seeing out here in Greenlee county. I won't start them until next week. But so far can get them in all on Wednesday or after my school job in Duncan. So I am still working 3 days per week. I am loving it!! So far I haven't gotten bored but I'm sure its coming.
We have tried finding houses out here in Clifton (Morenci does not sell houses due to its wonderful state of unincorporation...barf). And since we are on the wait list with 74 other families and only 3% of houses are even open, we thought we would try our hand at finding a cheap house out here. It would be totally rent-able if/when we leave because like the other 73 families, there are people needing some place to live. Well, this idea has pretty much already come and gone. We looked at 3 houses: one had this strange looking addition that could have not passed any type of inspection...there was no way. The second was pretty far out of town, a mobile home, and had crazy neighbors (a dog jumped the fence on one side to greet us and the other had music blasting from their truck that was not of from this nation). The third looked so great...two story, super close to the town but on probably an acre. Drove by several times during the day. So we set up a time to meet the agent. And upon arrival, there were probably 10 trucks outside. She said there were people renting the house right now but we could still view it. We walked in to find beds EVERYWHERE!! Not even beds, but air mattresses or cots. Even in the closets (as a positive side to that...the closets were big enough to fit a cot!). It smelled horrible. And was not in good shape. Needed a lot of work. And with Home Depot about 35 minutes away, it would not be an easy feat. Hence, waiting until a house opens in Morenci.
Two more trailer park (TP from here on out) adventures: one while meeting the neighbors. And one unfortunate part of living in a trailer park. So Drew and I were walking around the TP and saw a guy out watering his lawn and throwing a ball for his dog. We stop and talk to him about his work with the mine. So I notice Drew kinda looking down at his leg and some watery stuff on it. And then make the association: THE GUY'S DOG PEED ON DREW'S LEG!! I kinda whispered to him asking if it was what I thought it was. He tried to make it not a big deal, not wanting the guy to feel bad, but I spilled those beans. So the guy was like WHAT HAPPENED?!?! Drew says "I thought he was just licking my leg at first but then felt he had a very warm tongue. After I looked down, I saw he was peeing!" The guy's reaction was super funny: looking at the hose he offers Drew a "spray down" and then said his dog only learned to lift his leg in the past month or so...HAHAHA
The last adventure: we have had our first experience with a wonderfully clogged toilet! UGH!!! Its the worst. Had to get a special adapter at the Mercantile (yes that's what they really call it here...so Oregon Trail) to attach to a hose to shove down...you get the picture. But let me tell you, having it unclogged makes me appreciate it even more. Even though it is a huge step down from a normal toilet.
Sorry to end on a poopy subject. But thanks for stopping by the blog! Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
At the Cat Walk in New Mexico. Such a pretty place!! Lots of water which created the whole place over time. |
Rebekah welcoming all to the Cat Walk. |
At the bridge at the end. Suspended. Just like on the Burris playground in elementary. SO. MUCH. FUN. |
Not for Drew though. Rebekah scared him by jumping on it unexpectedly. Kinda funny for everyone but him. |
The tie blanket we made: AZ Cardinals because Drew kept stealing my Colts one my momma made me. |
It is seriously one of the prettiest places! Lots of fun bridges and water! |
The long horned sheep were out and RIGHT NEXT TO THE ROAD. We drove by them 3 times until the last time we drove by one gave us a look that sent us on our way. Too many stories told about how they can mess up a car! |
After looking at the scenic view, we went to a bridge that you can watch the haul trucks drive under. Drew stopped Rebekah from trying to make them honk cause its way super loud! |
Driving home from Walmart the morning before Rebekah arrived. Pretty snow-capped Mt. Graham in the rear view. |
Driving into to the sunset. Its such a pretty part of the country! |